Principles Of First Aid
The Following Are The Basic Principles Of First Aid.
- The bleeding should be stopped immediately irrespective of other injuries.
- Keep the patient warm by wrapping him in clothes, rugs or blankets, and sheets as the cause may be.
Make immediate proper arrangements to transport the patient to a hospital or to a qualified doctor are the vicinity.
- It should however be remembered that the first aider need not be a doctor.
- So, he should never take upon himself the duties and responsibilities of a doctor.
- His responsibilities are over as soon as proper medical aid is available.
Remove the clothes of the patient only when essential.
- Such removal of clothes must not cause pain or discomfort to the patient.
- He should very softly study the ankle and then undo the laces of shoes and cut off the socks if needed.
Remove the cause of injury or the patient from the cause as early as possible.
- He should then render such help that may prevent further injury.
The wound should be covered at once with a clean dressing.
- In case of a fracture, the injured limb should be supported and placed in a natural position as far as possible with splints and bandages.
- Offer warm milk or tea if the patient is in senses, he may be given a cup of warm milk or tea.
Full knowledge of anatomy is essential for giving first aid.
- The first aider must have complete knowledge of anatomy and physiology.
- It will enable him to render proper first aid to the injured.
- The injured should be given as much rest as possible and his body should be kept in a restful position.
- In case of fracture, the broken part should be saved from movement till proper medical aid is available.
Do not assume the role of a doctor. The first aider should remember that he is not a doctor So he should never take upon himself the duties and responsibilities of a doctor.
Principles Of First Aid Notes
List And Explain 11 Golden Principles Of First Aid Notes For B.Ed In English Medium
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