- Intramural Competition
- Meaning Of Intramural Competition (Sports)
- Objectives of Intramural Competition
- How To Conduct Intramural Competition
- Intramural Competition Committee.
- Selecting Events For The Intramural Competition
- Time and Type of Competition for Intramural Events
- Scoring Procedure For Intramural Sports
- Awards
Intramural Competition
Intramural Competition is a phase of a physical education program in a school, college, university, or any other organization geared to the abilities and skills of the entire student body or the members of the organization.
Meaning Of Intramural Competition (Sports)
The word “Intramural” is the combination of two Latin words “Intra + ‘Mural.’
- ‘Intra’ means ‘inside’ and
- ‘Mural’ means ‘wall’.
Thus, ‘intramural’ means ‘inside the wall’.
Organization of physical activities within the 4 walls of an institution for the students of that every institution is ‘Intramural Meet’.
- This ‘Meet’ is organized by dividing the students of the school concerned into various groups.
- Because this ‘Meet’ is only held for the students of a particular school, therefore, students of other schools are not allowed to participate in it.
- For the successful organization of ‘Intramural Meet’, all the students of the school are divided into various ‘Houses’/ ‘groups.
10 Objectives of Intramural Competition
- Creating the spirit of sportsmanship among students.
- Providing equal opportunity to every student to participate in one or more activities.
- Providing the opportunity to learn basic skills of different games and sports.
- Developing qualities like co-operation and term cohesion etc.
- Constructive leisure activities and good entertainment provide more fun and joy.
- Created oneness among students leaving society and economic disparities.
- Providing practical knowledge on planning, organizing, and administering play programs.
- Developing leadership and followership qualities in students.
- Helps in identifying and selecting talented players for school teams.
- Makes students more disciplined and law-abiding.
How To Conduct Intramural Competition?
Before conducting the intramural competitions, the following factors have to be taken into account for achieving the desired results.
Type of the institution i.e.,
- Residential,
- Partially residential,
- Nonpresidential and so on.
- Availability of time
- Geographical and Climatic conditions.
Infrastructure/facilities available
- Play-grounds,
- Track, equipment,
- Leadership
- Cooperation and help from administration and fellow teachers.
- Identification of activities in which students take a keen interest.
- Availability of estimated finances.
Intramural Competition Committee
The intramural competitions are conducted by the intramural committee which is headed by the headmaster of the school concerned.
This committee usually comprises of the following:
- Intramural Director
- Assistant Director
- Assistant Teachers
- Secretary
- Joint Secretary
The intramural Director
Assistant Director
Assistant Teachers
A secretary
Joint Secretary
- Qualified and competent officials are necessary for a sound intramural program.
Officials should be well-versed with the rules of the game/sport and should process
- A complete understanding of the level of participants,
- The objectives of the program, and
- The organization's philosophy of competition.
- They should be fair and transparent in their decisions.
Selecting Events For The Intramural Competition
While selecting the competitions for intramurals, 3 items need to be kept in mind;
- The Facilities,
- Time And
- Finances Available.
The interest of the students shall also be taken into consideration while deciding activities for competition.
- It is the responsibility of the Intramural committee to frame rules and regulations for the sports and competitions.
- While framing rules for the competition of a particular game, standard rules as well as prevailing conditions on campus ‘must be kept in mind.
- If there is any deviation from the standard rules, participants must be informed.
- Protests, if any, are to be decided by the committee.
Time and Type of Competition for Intramural Events
- The type of competition depends upon the number of teams and number of playfields available and the time availability.
- The time best suited for conducting competition is after teaching hours.
- The ideal months to organize the intramural competitions are the first 3 to 4 months from the commencement of the academic year.
- Sometimes the Intramural competition shall be conducted throughout the year.
- Light program shall be conducted at the end of the year due to the forthcoming examinations.
- Further, the competitions may be conducted either on a knock-out or league basis.
Point System And Scoring Procedure For Intramural Sports
A point system shall be developed in such a way, that it stimulates healthy competition, maintains continued interest, and should be in conformance with the objectives of the total program.
- The point system should be readily understood by all and easy to administer.
- It must include under what conditions, points should be awarded on the basis of contests won, championships gained, standing in a league or order of finishing, unit participation, and so on.
- The point system is decided by the Intramural Committee before the commencement of the intramural program at the beginning of the session.
The points gained by a team or an individual should be credited to the unit.
- There shall be 2 score sheets, one to enter the points scored by each team in day-to-day competitions and the other a consolidated score sheet showing the points gained by each unit.
- The total points scored by each unit at the end of the intramural competitions will be taken for deciding the intramural championship.
Some kind of recognition must be given to the winners of intramural competitions and to the intramural champions and it can be done in the following ways.
- Displaying the photograph of the school champion on the student notice board.
- Inscribing the names of the writing House Unit along with its captain on the intramural Honor board.
Describe Intramural Competition In Detail? Notes
Intramural Competition Notes For B.Ed In English Medium
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