8 Limbs Of Ashtanga Yoga
There are eight limbs of ashtanga yoga to secure the purity of body, mind, and soul. They are,
1. Yama
(Universal moral commandments) Yama means restraint or abstention.
It Has Five Moral Practices.
1 |
Ahimsa (Non-Violence) |
2 |
Satya (Truth) |
3 |
Asteya (Non-Stealing) |
4 |
Brahmacharya (Continence) |
5 |
Aparigraha (Non-Coveting) |
2. Niyama
(Self-purification by Discipline) Physical and mental rules of conduct towards oneself.
They Are:
1 |
Saucha (Purity) |
2 |
Santosa (Contentment) |
3 |
Tapas (Austerity) |
4 |
Swadhaya (Study of The Self) |
5 |
Isvara Pranidhana (Dedication to The Lord) |
3. Asanas
It has been described as meaning to sit comfortably without any movement for long in one pose.
- Whatever may be the type of Asana the backbone, Forehead, and chin should always remain straight.
- When a person masters an asana’s, he is not affected by seasons, whether cold, hot, or rain like disturbances.
- To master the asana, one should be able to sit comfortably at least for 3 hours at a stretch.
- Among a number of asanas, the Sidhasana, Padmasana, and swastika asana are considered the best.
4. Pranayama
- A complete cycle of respiration is called Pranayama.
- It completes the respiratory system.
It is the method to take the air inside the body
- i.e., inhalation and after some pause brings the air out of the lugs
- i.e., exhalation in a particular way.
5. Pratyahara
Through our various sense organs, we use things according to our interests and attitude, desire, and likes.
- But when our sense organs become detached, they settle down in the heart.
- This situation is known as pratyahara.
6. Concentration (Dharana)
Human being has tremendous strength and energy in them. They can achieve anything.
- Due to a lack of concentration within one is unable to get many powers in life.
- Through concentration one achieves power.
- Dharana is the concentration of the mind on some object.
7. Mediation (Dhyana)
When taking the concentration form of mediation the aspirant marches forward continuously and without pause towards his goal and becomes inseparable from his aim.
8. Samadhi
- It is the highest attainment.
- It is the worshipper and worshipped become one.
- There remains no difference between the two i.e., One who is performing Dhyan and For the object of Dhayn.
- One soul becomes an integral part of God.
8 Limbs Of Ashtanga Yoga Notes
Explain In Detail 8 Limbs Of Ashtanga Yoga - Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi Notes For B.Ed In English Medium
(What Do The 8 Limbs Of Ashtanga Yoga Mean? | Types Of Yoga | Explain In Detail 8 Limbs Of Ashtanga Yoga - Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi) Notes And Study Material, PDF, PPT, Assignment For B.Ed 1st and 2nd Year, DELED, M.Ed, CTET, TET, Entrance Exam, All Teaching Exam Test Download Free For Health Physical And Yoga Education Subject.
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