How To Develop Peace Education At Different Stages Of Education
Educators at all stages commonly agree that students should be taught about peace (especially crucial seeing present world situations).
Peace Education is essential for each & every person at different levels and stages. The approach to peace education, in different stages, differs in many aspects.
The ideal time to lay the foundation of a peace-oriented personality is at, the primary stage of education. These years are considered foundational periods in the lives of the children.
- At this level, children are comparatively less burdened, and
- The number of children who can be exposed to education for peace is highest in this phase. After that, students start to drop out.
Thus, this is the best stage in which focused attention must be paid to laying the foundation for a culture of peace using education as a tool.
As the saying goes,
It is easier to build a child than It is to repair an adult.
Education For Peace Approach At Different Stages
1. Peace Education In Early Childhood
The top-most priority in this stage is to start Peace-building Education because at this age a child’s
- Habits are formed,
- Development of brain architecture happen rapidly,
- Ability to recognize differences starts, &
- Emotional ties are built via social relationships & day-to-day in homes & neighborhoods.
Environment and Parental practice are the 2 most proximal to children and are key determining factors in their
- Social,
- Emotional and
- Physical development.
Proximity to family, home, and early learning programs, all play a significant part in the
- Children’s ability to Reduce & manage conflicts and violence.
- Shape fundamental characteristics of the children’s personalities and in their moral behavior.
Hence, from the early childhood level, family members and relatives must create a good conclusive environment to develop and boost the above-said behavior within children.
2. Peace Education At Elementary Stage of Education
As children start growing old & reach Primary school level, they start to develop and grasp abstract thoughts.
- They start developing (in a limited way), capacity to act and think rationally about the numerous actions and events in their environment.
- At this stage, a critical challenge for children is that of, relating to other children & their environment.
Since the school brings together children from diverse environmental backgrounds, stress should be given to equipping children with abilities, such as
- Honesty,
- Respect for others & for elders,
- Love and Tolerance,
- To understand hygiene importance, both of the self & of the surroundings,
- Sharing & cooperation,
- Punctuality,
- Recognition of the dignity of labor,,
- Regularity and responsibility etc.
Thus, for elementary school children, education for peace is about helping them celebrate and enjoy
- Harmony,
- Diversity, and
- Beauty in nature.
Students must be assisted and encouraged to develop the skills it takes to be at home with others, specifically
- The art of listening &
- A sense of responsibility.
3. Peace Education In Secondary And Senior Secondary Stage
In the secondary & senior secondary levels, students gradually become aware of their identity.
Students are on the doorstep of becoming independent individuals, though still lacking maturity.
As a result, this confusion leads them to disagreement and conflict with
- Parents
- Peers, &
- Teachers.
This period, test the student’s skills of
- Self-discipline,
- Rational thinking, and
- Communication.
To ease their burden, students need
- Training to solve conflicts via dialogue & negotiation.
- To develop knowledge and awareness about Interdependency and Inter-relationship in the global & ecological context.
- Guidance on how can they form a comprehensive perspective on,
- Peace,
- Justice &
- Non-violence.
The most important teaching at this level is to support and enable students to be not only the recipients of peace but the active makers of peace, who can think for others & help them.
4. Peace Education To Higher Education Stage
The higher education stage is considered extremely significant for peace education.
Students in higher education must be taught
- Competencies,
- Attitude, and
- Knowledge in the area of peacekeeping.
All these students will become Nations builders & role models of society. So, the students in this stage should come out with all good entities of human beings.
The role of the teachers in the higher education stage is of utmost importance.
- In this stage teachers also double as role models for the students. Therefore, teachers must be aware of the effect of their behavior on students.
- Along with their other syllabus, students should be taught about
- Human rights,
- International understanding,
- Conflict Management and
- Universal brotherhood.
5. Peace Education In Adult Education Stage
As society continues to learn & develop its competencies in relation to the new challenges and realities ahead. This is where adult education plays a decisive role in meeting such demands of a more globally interconnected world.
Adult education plays a crucial role in
- Supporting society’s capacity for adaptability & change,
- Creating a competitive workforce which is essential for competing and surviving in the
- Global economy &
- International challenges.
Today we are living in the ever-changing technology era with a lot of human conflicts.
The capacity and potential of adult education, enable people to recognize their human potential fully by relating their individual experiences with the wider structural factors around them.
Adult education curriculum further, help to develop peace in the minds of the adults by teaching aptly
- Cultural understanding,
- Social awareness,
- Self-confidence,
- Communal harmony & prosperity.
Peace Education Approach Notes
How To Develop Peace Education At Different Stages Of Education Notes For B.Ed In English Medium
(How To Develop Peace Education - Early Childhood, Elementary Stage, Secondary Stage, Higher Education Stage And Adult Stage ) Notes And Study Material, PDF, PPT, Assignment For B.Ed 1st and 2nd Year, DELED, M.Ed, CTET, TET, Entrance Exam, All Teaching Exam Test Download Free For Peace Education Subject.
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