What Is Social Science In Simple Words? - Meaning And Definition | Define the Meaning of Social Science?
Social science is the scientific study of man in the social context. In general, social science is a branch of study that deals with the social life of man and employs scientific methods.
Social science helps to alleviate and develop an insight into
- Human relationships
- Attitudes
- Rich cultural heritage
- Social values
- Human history
- Appreciating diversity etc.
Social science comprises a wide diversity of branches of knowledge from History and Philosophy to Law and Education but in the true sense, it is not merely a combination of the contents of these subjects, but much more.
Definition Of Social Science
Various academics have defined social science by taking into consideration its unique as well as common features.
“Social sciences are a body of knowledge and thought pertaining to human affairs” - Charles Beard’s
“Social sciences are a body of learning and study which recognize the simultaneous and mutual action of physical and non-physical stimuli which produce social reaction” - James High
Bining & Bining defines Social Science as “the subject that relates to the origin, organization, and development of human society, especially to man in his association with other men”.
What Is Social Science In Simple Words? - Meaning And Definition Notes
Definition Of Social Science By Different Authors : Charles Beard, James High , Bining & Bining Notes For B.Ed In English Medium
What Is Social Science? - Meaning Of Social Science Notes And Study Material, PDF, PPT, Assignment For B.Ed 1st and 2nd Year, DELED, M.Ed, CTET, TET, Entrance Exam, All Teaching Exam Test Download Free For Pedagogy of Social Studies And Teaching of Social Science Subject.
Important Questions For Exam:
Define the meaning of Social Science?
What is social science?
Write some definition of social science by different authors?
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