Meaning and Origin of Science
Science has been derived from the Latin word “Scientia” which means “knowledge”.
Science is a systematized body of knowledge that may pertain to any subject or field of life:
- ‘Science is organized common sense'.
- ‘Science is an interpretation of the natural phenomenon’ etc.
Science is a cumulative and endless series of empirical observations which result in the formation of concepts and theories with both concepts and theories being subject to modifications in the light of further empirical.
“Science is an interconnected series of concepts and conceptual schemes that have developed as a result of experimentation and observation and are fruitful of further experimentation and observation”- James B. Conant.
Science is simultaneously a body of knowledge and a continuous, self-evaluative process of inquiry.
- Science and technology have become a fundamental part of our social and cultural life and of our living. Now, we cannot think of a world without science.
- Modern civilization is a scientific civilization.
- The countless activities are controlled and governed by science.
- Science has revealed from nature almost all the hidden treasures.
Science restores eyes to the blind, hearing to the deaf, legs to the lame, even life to the dead.
In simple words, science is the investigation and interpretation of natural phenomena which occur in our daily life.
Science can never belong to a country or region. It belongs to the whole of mankind.
What is Science Notes
Meaning and origin of Science Notes For B.Ed In English Medium
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