Values Of Teaching Social Science
Social Science is valuable as a study in many ways. Many values of social science are key results of various significant activities.
Values of teaching social science are:
1. Information Values
Social Science banishes prejudices and conservatism.
Social Science is a magnificent treasure-house of knowledge & information, offers direction for:
- Art
- Philosophy
- Language
- Economic development
- Literature
- Politics
- Social life etc.
2. Disciplinary Values
Social science provides great mental training. The mental training that child receives from a study of social science help in
- Examining the data,
- Connecting the cause and effect,
- Comparison and contrast,
- Weighting evidence,
- Arriving at conclusion, and
- Shifting truth from conflicting explanations.
3. Political Values
Social science is the best teacher which demands no fees for its lessons.
Social studies are extremely necessary for the implementation of the:
- Political rights
- Social rights
- Responsibilities of the people.
4. Ethical Values
Social Science teaches righteousness.
- Social Science provides a kind of knowledge that is valuable to man on a daily basis.
- Social studies teach the moral laws of right and wrong.
- Social science teaches us by example it offers the man past wisdom to guide his present desires and actions.
5. Educational Values
Social Science helps to set scientific discoveries and the invention of contemporary world techniques in a historical perspective.
For example:
The stories of transport and communication, tools and machines, food and medicine in social science, make it possible for the child to have deep acknowledgment for improvements in discoveries.
Social Science gives a more secure understanding of science and mathematics as well as a wider sense of the meaning of history.
6. Cultural Values
Social Science is an effective instrument to civilize the human mind. Social Science prepares us to understand:
- How societies have often been transformed?
- Variation because of change of habits among people.
- Adaptions and re-adaptions in human history.
- Innovations and differences bought in society.
7. Vocational Values
Social science equips the student with vast and wide knowledge. There are several opportunities for persons who are well qualified in the subject.
For example: Students can go for the jobs of teachers in schools, colleges, and universities, librarians, etc.
8. Nationalistic Values
Social science teaching renders an effective service. Social science coach a child’s mind for the love of his country but not blind love.
Social studies and its use is unchallengeable in engrossing young minds with a sense of patriotism.
Check 👉 Role Of Social Science In National Understanding
9. Internationalist Value
Social science if taught rightly, prompts the idea of world residency and showcases the true dependence and interdependence of countries, a core of internationalism.
Check 👉 Social Science And International Understanding
Describe Values And Importance Of Teaching Social Science In Points Notes
What Is Social Studies What Are Its Values – Disciplinary, Cultural, Vocational, Internationalist, Information, Nationalistic, Political , Ethical , Educational Notes For B.Ed In English Medium
Values Of Teaching Social Science Notes And Study Material, PDF, PPT, Assignment For B.Ed 1st and 2nd Year, DELED, M.Ed, CTET, TET, Entrance Exam, All Teaching Exam Test Download Free For Pedagogy of Social Studies And Teaching of Social Science Subject.
Important Questions For Exam:
List out the values of teaching social science at school.
Critically analyse the values of teaching of Social Science.
Describe the values of teaching Social Studies in schools.
Describe the values of teaching social science.
Give detail explanation of nature and scope of teaching Social Studies.
State different values of teaching Social Science. Explain its advantages.
Explain the role of values in social science.
Explain the values of teaching Social science.
Discuss the values of teaching Social science.
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