Social Science In India |What is the role of social science in India?
A nation is great by the character of its people not by its number.
Every citizen plays a decisive role in the upliftment of their nation. For the progress of any country, the basic necessity is its residents must be educated in a way that they acquire desirable attitudes, skills, and values to enrich not just themselves but their country too.
A meaningful realization of the objectives of teaching social science results in the ‘life-skill education’.
In a democratic & developing nation like India, with its vast challenges, social science is quite important.
Social science offers an organized and efficient study of human beings in relation to society. Social science prepares learners, how to deal with future and immediate burning difficulties and troubles in society like cultural change, social controversies, etc.
Social Science at present learned at the secondary stage in schools of India, comprises of
- History,
- Civics,
- Geography,
- Economics,
- Some parts of sociology and all
- Pertinent issues confronted by contemporary society.
Social science assists in the attainment of this coveted aim of education, especially helpful in successfully tackling challenges in countries like India. Social science helps the nation to mold a better future because of its unending dialogue between past and present.
Why Social Sciences Matter In India? Notes
Social Science In India |What is the role of social science in India? Notes For B.Ed In English Medium
Is It Important In The India And World To Learn Social Studies? | Role And Need Of Social Science In India Notes And Study Material, PDF, PPT, Assignment For B.Ed 1st and 2nd Year, DELED, M.Ed, CTET, TET, Entrance Exam, All Teaching Exam Test Download Free For Pedagogy of Social Studies And Teaching of Social Science Subject.
Important Questions For Exam:
Discuss the scope of Social Studies in India.
Discuss the scope of Social Studies education in present day Indian educational system.
State the significance of Social Science education for fulfilling present day needs of India.
Specify the importance of Social Science Education in India?
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