Social Science And International Understanding


How Do Social Studies Promote International Understanding? -  Role And Ways | Importance Of Social Science In International Understanding Development

Social Science And International Understanding

Role Of Social Science In Promoting International Understanding

For the promotion of international understanding, it is crucial to:

  1. Recognize the shared humanity which lies beneath all differences in culture.
  2. Respect the dignity and value of human beings.
  3. Providing equality of rights and opportunities irrespective of nationality.
  4. Appreciate the contribution of all people to world citizenship and that there is a human culture.
  5. Comprehend and be familiar with how people in other lands live.
  6. See the world as an interdependent community of the nation and take the world as one unit and work for fair play for all people.
  7. Understand the economic and cultural factors which establish the distinctiveness among groups of people.
  8. Sustain interest in world affairs.
  9. Have faith in collective values and goals for the world community.
  10. Diagnose and aid to unravel world difficulties as per practices of democracy.

To understand that victories of peace are greater than victories of the war.

Ways of Promoting International Understanding:

1. Organizing Model session of world bodies

Mock sessions of world bodies create international awareness.

  1. Students can recreate:
    1. Working of U.N.O
    2. Dramatization of historical events etc.
  2. A number of projects may be organized on different topics such as model U.N. Security Council sessions and so on.

Discussion of international disputes, terrorism, and chief topics can prove immensely helpful. Topics can be:

    1. Total Ban on armaments nuclear.
    2. Human Rights.
    3. Limitation of weapons etc.

2. Meeting of children

Meeting children of different nationalities is the most valuable experience in children's life. Meeting will help them to realize the true essence of unity in diversity.

3. Celebrating the days of International significance

Celebrating the days of International significance develops international understanding. To acquire a feeling of oneness we should

  1. Celebrate the birthday of great men and women of all lands and nations.
  2. Celebrate international days such as
    1. U.N. Day,
    2. Human right Day
    3. Children’s Day etc.
  3. Celebrate International Week.
  4. Remember heroes of peace on special days.

4. Study tours

With change of place we not only change our ideas but also opinions and feelings.

Study tours of short duration enlarge human humanity. Study tours offer

  • First-hand observation.
  • Personal contacts.
  • Group discussions and thus help in making the world a better version of itself.

5. Graphic representations of the horrors of modern warfare

To make the pupil be aware of the dangers of war and the advantages of peace nothing better than to show graphic and dramatic representations of all shades of war.

To promote international cooperation among future stakeholders best is to show WAR for what it really is:

  • Meaningless,
  • Ineffective,
  • Sadistic and
  • Essentially inhuman business.

6. International study camps

International study camps help in shattering cultural barriers. Excellent opportunities for experience in international living and learning are provided in these camps.

International study camps make it easier for initiating respect for the cultures and people of different nations.

These short-term seminars provide an exceptional occasion of studying together with students of a widely divergent world from each other and study together various aspects of education for the world society.

7. International book fairs

International books give glimpse of those world a student can’t go and see and feel.

International book fairs are another way of creating International awareness and understanding.

8. Use of multimedia

Multimedia sharpen children mind, students learn more when they see.

Multimedia offers a great teaching and learning experience to the children about other countries by showing

  • Books,
  • Pictures,
  • Films and
  • Documentary about those countries.

9. Biographies

Knowledge about great men and women who fought to establish peace in the world can be a great inspiration to the children.

Biographies foster ideas about reach of individual outside their nation border.

10. Organization of debates

Debate on numerous international issues like water conservation, human rights, etc. facilitates casting more light on the burning issues.

  1. Debates on the role of W.H.O, U.N, World Bank, I.M.F, etc., and the rest can be of much use to students in knowing the world more and more.
  2. When students debate they will realize the necessity of creating a world community.
  3. In debates, a student sees the problem with the viewing angle of 360 degrees, and often the solution of the problem is found not within the problem, but outside of it.

Most problem root cause is neglect, corruption, and discrimination only successful dialogue is way forward which can be effectively facilitated by the organization of the world community.

11. Use of news items broadcasts or telecasts

A news item broadcast or telecast about another country can stimulate a child's mind into a pleasant experience for learning about a different world and keep them up to date with what's happening all over the globe.

12. Exhibitions of paintings and other works of art

Exhibitions of the art of one country, when shown in another country, is a key to enable individuals and groups to be informed of those countries which they know little or nothing.

Art exhibitions strengthen and help to revive unity. They speak dialects of this universal language.

International exhibitions encourage a world outlook in the best possible manner. In the words of S. Radhakrishnan

 “Art Exhibitions where we have the world with each other’s eyes. Art speaks a universal language and the different artistic traditions foster friendship by enabling us to see the world with each other’s eyes”.

13. Pen friendship

Pen friendship can establish international contact and harmony among children.

  • Children of one country may send their good wishes, may share experiences good or bad to those of the other.
  • Children can send greetings on occasions of national importance.

14. Exchange of gifts

To make children of the world closer

  • Photographs,
  • Pictures and
  • Small gifts help immensely.

15. Children’s interviews with the foreigners

Interview with persons of different lands will widen the student's mental horizon and provide one of the cherished experiences of his/her life.

Children will get opportunities of asking all sorts of questions about their

  • Country,
  • Experience,
  • Values
  • Culture and traditions etc.

16. Maintaining scrapbooks

To understand the world better maintaining scrapbooks of different countries help is irreplaceable. This personal approach will develop an international understanding in proper perspective.

17. International camp

When students and teachers from different nationalities gather jointly for collective living and do common work in international camps, automatically prepares the students for international understanding.

International camps provide life transforming experiences to learners.

18. Building of the museum

Children should be encouraged to collect souvenirs from different countries. These souvenirs may be kept in the school museum with the required information.


B.Ed Notes

Pedagogy of Social Science

Teaching of Social Studies


Importance Of Social Science In International Understanding Development Notes

How Do Social Studies Promote International Understanding? - Role And Ways Notes For B.Ed In English Medium

Social Science And International Understanding Notes And Study Material, PDF, PPT, Assignment For B.Ed 1st and 2nd Year, DELED, M.Ed, CTET, TET, Entrance Exam, All Teaching Exam Test Download Free For Pedagogy of Social Studies And Teaching of Social Science Subject.

Important Questions For Exam:

Suggest activities for promoting national integration for school children.

How do social studies promote international understanding?

Discuss the importance of social science education in present day international realtions.

Write an essay on the impact of social science on global realtionship.

What is the role of social science in promoting international understanding?

Importance of teaching social science to students for promoting international understanding.

Suggest ways and methods to promote cooperation and understanding internationally among school childrens.

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