Relation Of Mathematics With Other Subjects
Relationship between mathematics and other subjects:
- Relationship Of Mathematics with Geography
- Relationship Of Mathematics with Arts
- Relationship Of Mathematics with Civics and Citizenship
- Relationship Of Mathematics with History
- Relationship Of Mathematics with English
- Relationship Of Mathematics with Linguistics
- Relationship Of Mathematics with Communication
- Relationship Of Mathematics with Archaeology
- Relationship Of Mathematics with Health and Physical Education
- Relationship Of Mathematics with Computers
- Relationship Of Mathematics with Philosophy
- Relationship Of Mathematics with Insurance and Finance
- Relationship Of Mathematics with Actuarial Science
- Relationship Of Mathematics with Economics
- Relationship Of Mathematics with Social Science
- Relationship Of Mathematics with Agriculture
- Relationship Of Mathematics with Science
- Relationship Of Mathematics with Biological Science
- Relationship Of Mathematics with Ecology
- Relationship Of Mathematics with Environmental study
- Relationship Of Mathematics with Chemistry
- Relationship Of Mathematics with Genetics
- Relationship Of Mathematics with Physics
- Relationship Of Mathematics with Engineering and Technology
- Relationship Of Mathematics with Music
- Relationship Of Mathematics and Logic
- Relationship Of Mathematics with Drug Kinetics
1. Mathematics with Geography
Geography is nothing but a scientific and mathematical description of our earth in its universe.
There are numerous areas of geography which need the application of mathematics like:
- Lunar and solar eclipses,
- Maximum and minimum rainfall,
- The magnitude and dimension of earth, its position, and situation in the universe,
- Latitude and longitude,
- Formation of days and nights etc.
The surveying instruments in geography have to be mathematically accurate, in order to exercise desirable control over them. Some of the key areas where geography and mathematics work hand in hand are:
- Variations in the soil fertility,
- Differences in the distribution of forests,
- Changes in ecology etc.
2. Mathematics with Arts
"Mathematics and art are just two different languages that can be used to express the same ideas”.
Mathematics provides background and a basis for aesthetic appreciation. The arts and mathematics embrace students understanding of associations between rhythm, space, and time & line through the experience of these abstract concepts in countless mathematical ideas & art forms. Appreciation of balance, symmetry & rhythm postulates a mathematical mind.
Mathematics is in itself a piece of fine art. It is considered that the universe is written in the language of mathematics, and its characters are circles, triangles & other geometric figures.
The beauty of a piece of art depends on the manner in which it expresses truth. A mathematical mind can appreciate art with some sense of confidence.
- The old 'Gothic Architecture' is based on geometry.
- The 'golden ratio' is a mathematically related aesthetic consideration that is applied amongst numerous performing, visual multi-modal arts forms.
- Even the Egyptian Pyramids, based on mathematics.
Mathematics is knowledge of truth and realities.
3. Mathematics with Civics and Citizenship
Mathematical structure and working play critical roles in so many key civics concepts, and are significant in various aspects of our society.
The ideas and concepts developed in the mathematics study are relevant to a variety of civic and citizenship understandings. Some parts of civics and citizenship which require mathematical understanding are:
- Majority rule,
- Absolute majority,
- One vote one value representation,
- Proportional voting systems etc.
4. Mathematics with History
The concepts & competencies developed in mathematics are valuable in the study of a range of historical information and sources. The thoughts and skills acquired in mathematics are beneficial in demonstrating historical understanding and assist in translating and analyzing historical data.
The study of history involves the analysis and interpretation of a range of historical information which needs math’s like:
- Population charts,
- Diagrams,
- Statistical information etc.
5. Mathematics with English
Mathematics, including the use of 'conjectures' and 'proof', has clear links to the development of structures and coherent argument in speaking and writing.
A mathematical structure is strongly related to
- Semantics syntax
- Propositions
- Quantifiers etc.
6. Mathematics with Linguistics
Mathematics has had a great influence on research in literature. The notions of transformation and structure are as essential for linguistic as they are for mathematics.
Linguistics study needs
- Mathematical biology,
- Information theory,
- Mathematical psychologies etc.
In the development of machine languages and comparing artificial and natural language, all need extraordinary mathematical ability.
7. Mathematics with Communication
Mathematics working and structure play key roles in understanding human and natural creations.
A range of communication equipment is utilized for representing various relationships and in displaying results. For Example:
- Venn diagrams,
- Tree diagrams etc.
8. Mathematics with Archaeology
Archaeologists draw heavily upon various statistics & mathematical tools and techniques. From archaeological surveys, archaeologists collect and present the data, which shed light on past human behavior and attempt to differentiate patterns in their results.
Archaeologists utilize statistics and numerical methods, measures to
- Check the reliability of their analyses and interpretations.
- Monitor which pits are most successful during excavation, and with this data decide on further excavation.
- Spot patterns in their findings and compare them with past findings.
9. Mathematics with Health and Physical Education
Mathematics tools and procedures are used in solving problems and to model situations in the field of health and physical education.
For Example:
- Sporting events maintain scores and scoring requires knowledge of distance, weight, number, and time as variables.
- Collection of data through a variety of fitness programs, testing, and analyzing athlete performance all need mathematical and statistical models and expertise.
- One main factor in any physical activity, sports is the interpretation of collected results and data like calculating percentage improvement, etc. all require mathematics skills.
10. Mathematics with Computers
The foundation of computer science is based only on mathematic. Every single mathematical process of use in applications has been quickly converted into computer package algorithms. There are computer packages for every mathematical concept such as
- Solution of linear, non-linear equations,
- Inversions of matrices,
- Solution of partial and ordinary differential equations,
- Symbolic differentiation and integration and the list never end.
Computer science has used every bit and piece of mathematics. From logic to relations & functions, to basic set and graph theory, to mathematical induction and discrete probability, to numerical analysis and Operation Research techniques, etc. etc. etc. there is no topic or sub-topic of math which computer science has not used or made a code.
Modern management techniques like Simulation, Monte Carlo program, Evaluation Research Technique, Critical Path Method, the study of Artificial Intelligence, Development of automata theory, etc. all require mathematics with computers.
11. Mathematics with Philosophy
"The real finisher of our education is Philosophy, but it is the office of mathematics to ward off the dangers of philosophy.”- Herbart
Philosophy is defined as the science that investigates the ultimate reality of things, whereas, in mathematics, the philosophers find systematic and orderly accomplishments of unambiguous truths.
Mathematics eliminates irrationality, sets the philosophers on the right path of acquiring true knowledge.
Mathematical methodologies, approaches create realistic schools of thought in philosophy. It was this search of distinction between fiction and fact that led great thinkers like Plato and others underneath mathematics influence.
Therefore, there remains little doubt of the fact as to why mathematics occupies a central place between mental philosophy and natural philosophy.
12. Mathematics with Insurance and Finance
Mathematics and statistics are applied quite a lot in insurance and finance, areas such as
- Banking,
- Making Insurance policy,
- Producing economic forecasts,
- Stock market trading etc. all require extensive mathematics use.
13. Mathematics with Actuarial Science
Actuaries use statistics and mathematics to make financial sense of the future.
Any company or organization go onboard on a big project, they hire an actuary, and the job of an actuary is
- To study and analyze the venture (project).
- To evaluate and estimates the financial risks involved & model the future financial outcomes.
- To make the company or organization aware of his/her findings, and advise them about the decisions to be made.
14. Mathematics with Economics
“The direct application of mathematical reasoning to the discovery of economic truths has recently rendered great services in the hand of master mathematicians.” - Marshall
Mathematical methods and language are used constantly in explaining economic phenomena.
Economics and mathematics are interlinked by the frequent use of mathematical models in wide-ranging topics of economics. Some of the examples illustrating are:
- We use statistical modeling and analysis in obtaining census data.
- To find expenditure of public money, sampling populations to predict election outcomes, etc.
- In modeling and forecasting economic indicators such as the consumer price index and business confidence mathematics are used.
- A great deal of mathematical thinking, mathematical models, planning goes into the task of national economic planning.
15. Mathematics with Social Science
Mastery of the fundamental processes is necessary for clear thinking.
Social science has a mathematics stamp all over it. Almost all personal and social activities today require mathematical literacy and this prerequisite is continually increasing.
16. Mathematics with Agriculture
Agriculture relies heavily on mathematics. Agriculture as science needs a direct application of mathematics.
For example:
- Progress of the agricultural farm can be projected and judged by drawing graphs of different items of production.
- To calculate Time and work, Average investment and expenditure like the cost of labor, seed rate, etc. mathematics is used.
- To measure land or area, and to compute production per unit area all require mathematics knowledge.
17. Mathematics with Science
Science is incomplete without mathematics. The expertise and abilities students absorb within the diverse dimensions of mathematics, support all aspects of science.
For Example:
Number concepts and measurement are predominantly used in science, be it, data collection, and analysis, estimation of error, and modes of reporting data.
The mathematics discipline supports science learners in developing critical knowledge and skills like:
- How to collect the records (data) and interpret them.
- To look for patterns and display data correctly.
- Teaches learner crucial number handling skills, drawing conclusions & making generalizations.
- How to estimates and do further investigations, extrapolations, and interpolations from their own experimental records or from reliable data, etc.
18. Mathematics with Biological Science
Mathematics has made an enormous impact on Biological Science.
Mathematical models, concepts have played and will continue to play, an important role in Biological Science. For instance:
- When we study deterministic and stochastic models for the growth of the population of micro-organisms and animals, subject to given laws of birth, death, immigration, and emigration we use differential equations, difference equations, differential-difference equations, and integral equations.
- Mathematical models and applications are significant in
- ‘Neuroscience’,
- ‘Molecular biology'
- ‘Cellular biology’ and
- ‘Structural biology’.
- Computational and Mathematical methods complement experimental ‘structural biology’ by adding motion to molecular structure.
- Two additional regions of mathematics when mathematics successfully interacts with biology are:
- 2-dimensional differential geometry.
- 3-dimensional topology.
19. Mathematics with Ecology
Mathematical concepts have played an important role in Ecology like the ‘prey- predator’ model of ecology which uses mathematics. Some more instances of this relation are:
- The mathematical theory of the ‘Spread of Epidemics’ solves ‘systems of differential equations' to determine the number of immunes, infected, and vulnerable peoples at any time.
- For monitoring, controlling epidemics in animals & plants numerous mathematical and epidemic models of pest control are critically examined.
- Dynamic programming and control theory are used in the control of epidemics subject to cost constraints.
20. Mathematics with Environmental study
Mathematics is used to study and find solutions to many environmental issues. Some of these areas are:
- To study the problems of
- Waves,
- Tides,
- Cyclones flow in bays and estuaries.
- Mathematics is chiefly used in ‘Pollution Control Models’.
- To find out what proportion of pollutants is emitted from refineries, industries, chimneys, factories, etc. mathematics is used.
- To study how to limit and lower pollution be it water, noise, or air with maximum decrease and minimum cost possible.
- To study the diffusion of pollutants in the atmosphere mathematics knowledge is obligatory.
- To study the effect of leakages of poisonous gases.
- To understand the conditions that result in
- Avalanches,
- Volcanic eruptions,
- Ocean currents, etc.
21. Mathematics with Chemistry
Math is extremely important in physical chemistry.
For example:
- The basic step of production of any chemical is the mathematical ratio, which is needed to compute how many elements in which quantity have to be mixed.
- To calculate the molecular weights of organic compounds mathematics is used.
- The use of ratio and percentage are quintessential in the assessment and estimation of elements in organic compounds.
In advanced topics of chemistry such as quantum, statistical mechanics, etc., mathematical concepts form the core like:
- Probability theory forms a base of Statistical mechanics.
- To develop models of any complicated processes even in pure scientific research in biology and chemistry mathematicians are required, especially those with higher degrees in computer science.
- Quantum relies heavily on group theory and linear algebra and requires knowledge of mathematical topics such as Hilbert spaces and Hamiltonian operators.
- Biochemistry has some important topics which rely heavily on math, such as binding theory and kinetics.
Some other fields of chemistry which also use a significant amount of math are:
- Most modern Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), spectroscopy and Infra-Red (IR) machines rely on the Fourier transform to obtain spectra.
- Mathematical laws governed all chemical equations, their combinations.
- Mathematical calculations regulate the development and formation of chemical compounds.
- Pharmaceutical and cosmetics companies oblige to use teams of mathematicians to work on clinical data about the efficiency or dangers of new drugs and products.
22. Mathematics with Genetics
Genetic engineering incorporates substantial mathematical modeling. Mathematics is used in areas like:
- Decoding genetic code and doing further research.
- To Study the inheritance of genetic characteristics from generation to generation.
- To find methods for genetically improving plant and animal species.
23. Mathematics with Physics
In Physics, every principle and rule takes the mathematical form ultimately.
Mathematical tools and techniques are of particular use to physicists and engineers. Mathematical calculations occur at every step in physics like:
- Chare’s law of expansion of gases is built upon mathematical calculations.
- Application of mathematical concepts are frequently in use in
- Quantum mechanics,
- Fluid dynamic,
- Oceanography,
- Classical mechanics, and
- Electromagnetism.
- To obtain mathematical models for fluid and solid mechanics, a lot of physicists and mathematicians apply the basic laws of Newton.
- To study the effect of pollutants from nuclear and other plants in seawater, particularly on fish population in the ocean physicists use mathematics.
- To study atmospheric Sciences, dynamic meteorology, and weather prediction.
- In the problem of underwater explosions, we use mathematics with physics.
- Physics heavily focuses on mathematical concepts of complex variables, differential equations, vector spaces, integral transforms, matrix algebra, infinite series, integral equations, etc.
- The flight of torpedoes in the water, sailing of ships & submarines, etc. are also some of the main important areas where mathematics and physics work hand in hand specifically from a defense point of view.
Overall, we can say, Mathematics gives a final shape to the rules of physics.
24. Mathematics with Engineering and Technology
Mathematics is considered to be the foundation of engineering.
Mathematics has played a vital role in the progress of chemical, civil, mechanical, and aeronautical engineering. It is well known that a maximum of the technological processes in engineering and technology are described effectually by means of a mathematical framework.
Some processes of engineering where the application of mathematics is crucial are:
- Mathematical sciences of plasma dynamics and magneto-hydrodynamics are used for experiments in controlled nuclear fusion, making flow meters & generate magneto-hydrodynamic.
- In dealing with designing, construction, surveying, verifying results, etc. engineers depend prominently on mathematics concepts and ideas.
- With the application of mathematics concepts like geometric principles during the design and constructions phase, the durability of the final product can be increased.
- The defense sector is an important employer of mathematicians.
25. Mathematics with Music
Leibnitz, the great mathematician had said,
“Music is a hidden exercise in arithmetic of a mind unconscious of dealing with numbers”.
Music theorists frequently use mathematics to understand the musical structure and communicate new ways of hearing music.
- All music notes require rhythm, but few know that rhythm is the result of untold uncountable permutations and combinations.
- Fibonacci numbers and Golden ratio are incorporated into the works of many composers to understand musical scales.
- Most modern-day music is produced and fabricated by using digital processors and synthesizers. To add effects to the sound or even to correct pitch today’s music requires mathematics.
- Using a mathematical technique called Fourier analysis audio software engineers to manipulate the digital sound.
“Where harmony is, there are numbers”- Pythagoras.
26. Mathematics and Logic
“Symbolic logic is mathematics, mathematics is symbolic logic”- C.J.Keyser
Mathematics assists the formulation and helps to develop logical laws. The methods and symbols used to survey the foundation of mathematics can be transferred to the study of logic.
D’Alembert says, “Geometry is a practical logic because, in it, rules of reasoning are applied in the most simple and sensible manner”.
27. Mathematics with Drug Kinetics
Drug kinetics means the study of the spread of drugs in the various compartments of the human body. Some key areas where drug kinetics involves the concept of mathematics are:
- Mathematical models are developed in the study of the comparative effects of various treatments used in many disease, especially used in cancer disease.
- Biomechanics deals with the stress & strain in bones and muscles, and with injuries & fractures in skulls etc. Solution of partial differential equations are used in solid Biomechanics.
Relation Of Mathematics With Other Subjects Notes
What Is The Relationship Mathematics Of Other Subjects? - Computers, Geography, Arts, Agriculture, Civics And Citizenship, Drug Kinetics, Chemistry, History, English, Science, Linguistics, Communication, Ecology, Biological Sciences, Archaeology, Health And Physical Education, Engineering And Technology, Philosophy, Environmental Study, Physics, Logic, Genetics, Insurance And Finance, Engineering And Technology, Social Science, Chemistry, Music, Actuarial Science Notes For B.Ed In English Medium
What Is The Relationship Mathematics Of Other Subjects? Notes And Study Material, PDF, PPT, Assignment For B.Ed 1st and 2nd Year, DELED, M.Ed, CTET, TET, Entrance Exam, All Teaching Exam Test Download Free For Pedagogy of Maths And Teaching of Mathematics Subject.
Important Questions For Exam:
Write short notes on the correlation of Maths with other school subjects.
Correlate the Mathematics education with other subjects like arts, science, social science, and philosophy?
Find examples for the relationship of mathematics with other subjects.
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