Aims And Objectives Of Teaching Social Science
Man is a social being and as such all education meant for his all-around development is social education.
Some important social science aims of teaching in the schools are:
1. To Develop A Social Competence
To help the learner in his communication with physical & social environment, by assisting him to pick up the right
- Knowledge,
- Attitudes,
- Competence and
- Understanding what he needs.
2. To have contemporary awareness
To make the child familiar with his present and past social & geographical environment. To give an experience of a study which will serve as a foundation for attaining expertise later on.
3. To Encourage Knowledgeable Democratic Citizenship
To help children be conscious of precious cultural heritage. To promote not just a national feeling but also an international understanding, a must in the contemporary world.
To recognize and get rid of what is undesirable and obsolete especially in the context of social change.
4. To Assist in Using Leisure Time Resourcefully
To offer the opportunity to young people to develop interests that will result in the creative use of their leisure time.
5. To Have Soul And Mind
A rare aim of teaching social science is to create a desire in the students, to preserve and keep alive those principles of justice and humanity that successfully develop the life of a nation.
To advocate accepting all historical experiences of humans as a process of development & change.
6. All-inclusive development
To develop a desirable attitude in the student meaningful for the present and future, concerning
- Life,
- Knowledge and
- Learning
To shape the vision of students in
- Economic,
- Political and
- Spiritual values.
To nurture qualities for an all-inclusive development of their rich personality without loss of individuality.
7. To resolve present-day problems
The substantial aim of social studies is to put a permanent end to our present-day social and individual problems.
To improve and correct judgments on steaming social issues, trends, and beliefs in the fields of
- Regional politics,
- Commerce & Industries,
- National, International affairs, etc.
8. To give a sense of belonging.
To give the learner a sense of belongingness, Social Science aims
To give people a belonging
- To a place
- To a society
- To a country and
- To the world.
Aims And Objectives Of Teaching Social Science In School Are Notes
What Are The General Aims And Objectives Of Teaching Social Science? - List And Explain Notes For B.Ed In English Medium
General Aims And Objectives Of Teaching Social Science Notes And Study Material, PDF, PPT, Assignment For B.Ed 1st and 2nd Year, DELED, M.Ed, CTET, TET, Entrance Exam, All Teaching Exam Test Download Free For Pedagogy of Social Studies And Teaching of Social Science Subject.
Important Questions For Exam:
Enumerate the general aims and objectives of teaching of Social Science.
Brief the aims of teaching Social Studies in schools.
Write about an objective of teaching Social Studies.
Describe the aims and objectives teaching of Social science in schools.
Explain the general aims and objectives of teaching Social science.
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