Learning And Teaching Syllabus
Learning And Teaching Syllabus For B.Ed First Year, Second Year, And Semester 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th And 8th In English Language Free Download PDF For The Session 2020 - 2021 - 2022
Learning And Teaching
- Max. Marks :100
- Time: 3 Hours
- (Theory:80,Internal: 20)
- Paper setter will set nine questions in all, out of which students will be required to attempt five questions.
- Q.No 1 will be compulsory and will carry 16 marks. There will be four short -answer type Questions of 4 marks each to be selected from the entire syllabus.
- Two long answer type question will be set from each of the four units, out of which the student will be required to attempt one question from each unit. Long- answer type questions will carry 16 marks each.
Course Outcomes (COs)
After transaction of the course, student teachers will be able to:
- Understand the Concept of learning and learning strategies.
- Identify the individual differences among the learners.
- Explain paradigms of learning.
- Describe the educational implications of different theories of learning.
- Understand the Concept of teaching and identify the variables in the teaching process.
- Explain the applications of social constructivist approach in teaching and learning.
- Describe the phases and models of teaching.
- Understand and make effective uses of different Teaching Strategies.
Course Content / Syllabus
- Learning: Concept, Nature, types of learning and Factors influencing learning,.
- Learning strategies: Co-operative learning and Collaborative learning, peer-tutoring, group learning.
- Role of Teacher and School in relation to learning strategies.
- Individual Differences: Concept, Types, Causes and Educational implications.
- Theories of Learning :
- Connectionism theory (Trial and Error: Thorndike), concept, laws of learning and Educational Implications.
- Conditioning theories: Classical conditioning (Pavlov) and Operant Conditioning (Skinner): Concept, characteristics and Educational Implications.
- Social-constructivist theory (Vygostky and Bandura): Concept, Nature and Educational implications.
- Teaching: Concept, characteristic, features and levels of teaching.
- Related concepts of Teaching (Training, conditioning, instruction and indoctrination)
- Variables in the Teaching Process: The Learning task (Instructional Objectives), Learning Behaviour (Entry behaviours and Learner’s characteristics) Teacher Behaviour: (Competence, Personality, Teaching Style).
- Social-constructivist approach in teaching (Applications of Bruner, Ausubel and Vygotsky’s ideas in teaching).
- Phase of Teaching: Pre-active, Interactive and Post-active.
- Models of Teaching: Meaning, Need and Elements, Basic Teaching Model (Glaser), Concept Attainment Model (Bruner).
- Teaching Strategies: Brain-Storming, Simulation, Role-playing, Gaming, Remedial teaching and Enrichment Programme.
Practicum/ Sessional
Any one of the following:
- Group Projects: Observation report on Teaching-learning transaction process in School teaching practice.
- Seminar/ Presentation on learning theories.
- Application of teaching strategies (Brain-Storming, Simulation, Role-playing, Gaming, Remedial teaching) on any current/ social issue.
- Case-study on Individual differences.
- Application of participatory learning and action techniques of resource mapping and social mapping.
Suggested Readings / Reference Books:
- Chauhan, S.S. (2014). “Innovations in Teaching Learning Process”, Noida: Vikas Publishing House Private Ltd.
- Dececco, J.P. (1988) “The Psychology of Learning and Instruction”, New Delhi: Prentice Hall.
- Gagne, R.M. (1977). “The conditions of learning”, New York, Chicago: Holt, Rinchart and Winston.
- Joyce, B. and Weil, M. (1992). “Models of Teaching”, New Delhi, Prentice Hall.
- Kulkarni, S.S. (1986). “Introduction to Educational Technology”, New Delhi: oxford and IBH Publishing Company.
- Pandey, K.P.(1983). “Dynamics of Teaching Behaviour”, Ghaziabad: Amitash Parkashan.
- Pandey, K.P. (1980). “A First Course in Instructional Technology”, Delhi: Amitash Parkashan.
- Skinner, B.F.( 1968). “The Technology of teaching”, New York: Appleton Century Crofts.
- Sharma, R.A. (1991). “Technology of Teaching”, Meerut: R. Lall Book Depot.
- Sharma, S.K. (2005). “Learning and Teaching: Learning process”, Delhi: Gyan Books Private Ltd.
- Srivastava, D.S. and Kumari, S. (2005). “Education: Understanding the learner”, Delhi: Gyan Books Private Ltd.
- Walia, J.S. (2011). “Technology of Teaching”, Jalandhar: Ahim Paul Publishers.
- Walia, J.S. (2012). “Teaching Learning Process”, Jalandhar: Ahim Paul Publishers.
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Note: This Is The General Pattern Of The Syllabus For Learning And Teaching Subject For B.Ed. The Topics, Units, Course Content, Question Paper Pattern And Recommended Author Books May Vary From Your B.Ed College Or University.
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